صفحه نمایش استاد - پرتال اصلی دانشگاه رازی

عضو ﻫﯿﺎت ﻋﻠﻤﯽ دانشگاه رازی

پردیس دانشگاه
نادر دانش فر

نادر دانش فر

دانشیار / گروه فیزیک


  • دکتری: دانشگاه رازی، فیزیک


رایانامه: ndaneshfar [at] razi.ac.ir
تعداد بازدید: 2367


Nader Daneshfar received the Ph.D. degree in Physics/Nano-optics from the Razi University, in 2009. During his PhD, he investigated the Interaction of intense laser fields with carbon nanotubes for the study of High-order harmonic generation. After completing his PhD, he joined the Physics Department of Razi University as an assistant professor

He is currently an Associate Professor at Department of Physics, Razi University. His research background are Optic and photonics, Laser, Nonlinear optics, Quantum optics, and Plasmonic. Currently, his research focused on the study of linear and nonlinear optical properties of materials and nanostructures. He is the author or coauthor of several refereed journal papers and conference proceedings

 He was the head of the Department of Physics at Razi University from 2018 to 2020. Dr. Daneshfar is also a member of the Physics Society, and Optics and Photonics Society of Iran

During this time, he has taught courses includes General physics I & II, Mathematical Physics I & II,  Electromagnetism I &II, Spectroscopy, Laser Physics, Optics, Optics Laboratory for undergraduate course. Also, the courses he usually teaches in graduate courses include Computational physics, Laser spectroscopy, Electrodynamics I & II, Photonics, Advanced laser physics, Laser applications, Laser Laboratory, Special subjects and Quantum optics I and II