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Due to the importance of familiarity with the concept and skills of literacy in the family and the need to properly manage children's media consumption, the training course "Media Consumption Management Workshop in the family" in collaboration with the Social Studies Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies on 28 and 29 May 1400 Virtually held.

Course topics and content:

What is the necessity of media literacy
What is media parenting, practical media literacy skills in the family
Social networking, family, and its relationship to media literacy skills
Characteristics of the information age
Characteristics of the family in a networked community
Distinguishing features of responsible parenting and online parenting
Characteristics of a healthy family in a networked community

Challenging parents in their children's use of smartphones, online games and social networks
Familiarize parents with the dangers of online
Parental mediation in the presence of children in cyberspace
Audience Framework
Changes in media generation and generational media
Adolescent Studies in the World
Characteristics of the third millennium generation or the eighties and nineties
The type and amount of media consumption among family members
The place and importance of the need for proper management of parental media consumption in regulating children's media consumption
Presenting a documentary report on the amount and type of media consumption of families in Tehran
Challenges of parenting in the media age
Vital Needs of Families in the Media Age (Media Psychology)



Increasing theoretical knowledge Familiarity with the concept of media literacy, media consumption, media parenting, media mediation, generational change, audience, information age characteristics
Improving practical skills Practical skills of media literacy in the family, vital needs of families, proper management of children's media consumption

Who benefits from participating in this course?

Participation in this course is useful for students, researchers in all fields of media and family, and for all professionals and humanities enthusiasts.

Course duration: 6 hours (2 sessions of 3 hours) 2 days

Time: Tuesday and Wednesday, 13 to 16 | Date: 28 and 29 May 1400

Along with providing a valid certificate approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology with scientific and administrative value and translatable

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Consultation: 88624485

If necessary, send a message to 09036200266.

Tehran - Kurdistan Highway - Corner of Dr. Sadegh Ayenehvand Street (64 West)

Management to promote the achievements of humanities research


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