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Admission advertisement without exam (Talent share) PhD student of Razi University

For the first semester of the academic year 401-1400


Razi University in implementing the communiqué of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology No. 67272/21 dated 1393/4/18 (Regulations for providing facilities to selected students to enter higher education courses), Amendment No. 237200/21 dated 1312/16 and Notification No. 299574/2 dated 16/12/2017 From among the selected academic students of Razi University and other universities that have the following general and specific conditions, 401-1400 students will be admitted to the specialized doctoral program for the first semester of the academic year. Applicants can upload their documents until the end of April 1400 through the Golestan system of Razi University at

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برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر و فرم‌های ثبت‌نام کلیک کنید. (pdf)

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