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A specialized seminar on the role of education and research in the protection of natural resources was held by the Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Razi University.

According to Razi University Public Relations, a specialized seminar on the role of education and research in the protection of natural resources, on the occasion of Natural Resources Week, was held on March 11, 2017 by the University Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources.


At the beginning, Dr. Ali Beheshti, Al-Agha, President of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Campus of Razi University, while congratulating the Natural Resources Week and welcoming the participants in this seminar, said: Iran is located in an arid and semi-arid region and this shows the value and importance of natural resources. Therefore, we should do our best to protect natural resources.

He pointed to the importance of education and research in the field of natural resources and added: "The role of education and research in natural resources has been neglected for many years, while paying attention to this section solves many environmental issues and problems of natural resources."

Dr. Beheshti-Al-Agha, while appreciating the efforts of the colleagues of the General Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management of Kermanshah province in protecting the areas of the province, especially in the forests, said: the areas of the region are so wide that no matter how much work is done, there are still gaps.

While expressing satisfaction with the hosting of this seminar, he expressed hope that with the close cooperation of Razi University, the General Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management and the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of the province, valuable steps will be taken to discuss education and research in natural resources.

Mr. Zanganeh, Deputy Director General of Natural Resources and Watershed Management of Kermanshah Province, while thanking Razi University for preparing and hosting this seminar, said in a speech: "Education" is the pillar and basis of progress in any society.

He added: "Believing that research along with education can be very effective in the field of implementation, during the last two years we have signed several memoranda of understanding with Razi University and the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of the province and we hope this cooperation to help education and Continue research in the field of natural areas.

Dr. Hassanzadeh, Head of the Education and Extension Department of the General Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management of Kermanshah Province, said that natural resources are a factor of production and said: I believe that climate change has not occurred in Kermanshah province with high intensity and to prevent fluctuations. We need culture building.

Referring to the existence of 140 species of medicinal plants in Kermanshah province, he added: "Providing proper education to the people will promote the culture of protecting natural resources and prevent its destruction."

Dr. Hassanzadeh considered the planting of saplings as an important factor to help clean the air and preserve natural resources, and referring to the measures taken in the Department of Education and Extension, said: Register in this system.

He informed about the activity of 46 thousand nature helpers in Kermanshah province and added: the establishment of a fund to support the development of natural resources in the province with the aim of organizing the beneficiaries of this sector has taken other measures; There are 14 cooperatives in the province, which in the future will move towards privatization and more participation of natural resource users.

Referring to the interaction and cooperation of the Department of Education and Extension with academics during the last three years, Dr. Hassanzadeh said: "Universities can be the mediator of our communication with the people and the capacity of scientific elites can be used to advance natural resource goals and programs."

Dr. Ali Beigi, a member of the faculty of Razi University's Agriculture and Natural Resources Campus, said in a speech: "Natural resources are the source of many productive and economic activities and the basis of movement in the field of sustainable development and play an infrastructural role in the country's economy."

He said that 83% of the country is natural resources, the value of Iran's natural resources is $ 27.3 trillion and added: population growth, improving living standards and the need to meet the growing needs of human beings, has increased the use of natural resources.

Dr. Alibeygi, noting that 80 million people are added to the world's population every year, added: "Increased human intervention, unlimited exploitation and uncontrolled increase in environmental degradation and the occurrence of floods, drought, dust, etc. are the result of human negligence." Man is a victim of mismanagement and lack of planning and foresight before he is a victim of natural disasters.

Referring to the problems of natural resources and the environment, he said: "Iran ranks first in soil erosion with more than 5 times the global average; On the other hand, the amount of agricultural land has increased 5 times and 25% of the world's land has been destroyed.

Referring to the countless benefits of forests and rangelands, Dr. Alibeygi added: "Forest services to humanity are estimated at $ 33 trillion annually, and the lives of a quarter of the world's population depend on forests."

He pointed to the rapid decline of forests and said: "Many epidemics are the result of the destruction of ecosystems and the improper exploitation of forests and wildlife."

Dr. Nouri, Head of the Engineering and Studies Department of the General Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management of Kermanshah Province, reminded the importance of paying attention to research and said: "The more we invest in research, the more effective it will be in producing wealth and progress."

He added: "In developed countries, a lot of investment is made in the research sector, but unfortunately in our country, the share of research in the country's budget is 1.1 percent, while a lot of development has taken place in academia and education and compared to the global average 24 times We had the development of an educational space, but less than ten percent of the universities' capacity is spent on applied research.

Dr. Nouri reminded that research is very important in natural resources, added: "60% of the area of ​​Kermanshah province is natural resources and we have a huge range for research activities and relevant executive bodies and academics can work together in this field." To be active.

He called for the formation of a Natural Resources Research Council with the cooperation of experts from the General Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management, Razi University, scientific centers and researchers with the aim of accurately identifying the province's natural resources, natural hazards, preparing a database, research topics and ..

Dr. Heshmati from Kermanshah Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center explained the useful results of several research projects in the field of natural resources and said: "We are witnessing climate change and we have no choice but to adapt to these conditions."

He mentioned the decrease in soil moisture as an effective factor in changing the use of forests to rainfed fields, the loss of nutrients in the soil as the reasons for soil erosion and said: "One of the most important challenges of the province's natural resources is land use change, shrubbery and charcoal."

In this seminar, a number of faculty members of Razi University and experts from the General Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management and the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of the province spoke about the role of education and research in the protection of natural resources.

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