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Future research workshop; Objectives, dimensions by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology of the University and the cooperation of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities; It was held by Dr. Maghsoud Faraskhah, a member of the Higher Education Planning Department at the Higher Education Research and Planning Institute, on March 4, from 9 to 12 for university administrators and in the presence of faculty members.

According to Razi University Public Relations, Futurology Workshop; Objectives, dimensions by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology of the University and the cooperation of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities; It was held by Dr. Maghsoud Faraskhah, a member of the Higher Education Planning Department at the Higher Education Research and Planning Institute, on March 4, from 9 to 12 for university administrators and in the presence of faculty members.

At the beginning of the workshop, Dr. Kianoosh Chaghamirza, Director of Research at Razi University, welcomed the lecturer and the participants in the workshop, referring to the letter of the Ministry to all universities and research centers in the country regarding the urgent need of these centers to create a working group. Futurology and Capacities of Futurism in Universities and Higher Education Centers, stated: In this regard, Dr. Maghsoud Faraskhah was invited to hold a workshop in this field, to acquaint managers, policy makers and faculty members with topics related to futurology. .

Then, the lecturer of the workshop, Dr. Maghsoud Faraskhah, in a speech, expressed his happiness that the Ministry of Science, Technology and Research, as well as the universities, has been attracted to the issue of futures studies.

He considered futures studies as a system of wise efforts to study and understand the methodological and reliable areas of the future and said: first the problem should be identified for the stakeholders and then a platform should be established for dialogue between them.

Dr. Faraskhah, noting that prediction and foresight are different from futures research, considered forecasting as a systematic effort, assuming accurate and definite knowledge of future events.

He reminded: Futurism is a culture and process and not a tool and product and its achievements can be many. Futurism can change people's mental models, be the right and multifaceted confrontation with changes, prevent people and organizations from being surprised, and also involve people in building the future.

Dr. Faraskhah then named the main methodological approaches in futures studies and said: Drawing a vision for the future of the organization is very important and is a window into the future.

He went on to discuss the methods of futurism and pointed out the different methods in this regard: each of these methods can create several scenarios. Then they explained the issues with examples.

Dr. Maghsoud Faraskhah studied the future of the scientific and academic system in Iran and enumerated 4 generations of science and university futurism. By reviewing the background of activities in the future of the Iranian scientific system, he reviewed the results of some of these researches and researches. .

At the end of the workshop, the participants in the workshop discussed and exchanged views on the mentioned topics. It is worth mentioning that the workshop was welcomed by the faculty members and administrators of the university and they requested the continuation of the workshop and the series of discussions, the next meeting of which was scheduled to be held in April 1400.

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