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Mr. Bahram Fazelizadeh, Director General of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Kermanshah Province and members of the Planning Council, deputies and heads of staffs of the General Directorate, visited the Provincial Development Documentation Center and Kermanshah Studies University on March 4, 2017.

According to the report of Razi University Public Relations, Mr. Bahram Fazelizadeh, Director General of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Kermanshah Province and members of the Planning Council, deputies and heads of staff of the General Administration, visited the Development Documentation Center of Kermanshah University on March 4, 2017.


Mr. Fazelizadeh, on the sidelines of a visit to the Razi University Development Documentation Center and Kermanshah Studies Center, in a meeting with a group of university administrators, while expressing satisfaction with the meeting and appreciation of the university invitation, said: Our view is in compiling cultural, artistic and social programs; Interacting and collaborating with cultural, educational and scientific institutions of the province, especially Razi University as the mother university of the province.

Announcing the support of the General Directorate of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Kermanshah province in order to increase and enrich the Kermanshah Documentation and Development Center of Razi University, he added: "Currently, the development of 1400 programs is on our agenda and we hope to see the coronation disease. Be different cultural, artistic and Quranic.

Mr. Fazelizadeh emphasized the role-playing and influence of Razi University in various parts of the province's development, especially cultural, and once again emphasized the integration and interaction with the cultural and educational executive bodies of the province.

Dr. Farzad Veisi, Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology of Razi University, while welcoming the Director General of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Kermanshah Province and the accompanying delegation, said in a speech: Razi University of Kermanshah with about half a century of experience in scientific, educational, research and cultural potential It is high and we are preparing to hold a magnificent event to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the university in 1401, and we hope that our loved ones will help in holding this event.

He considered Razi University as the scientific hub and the oldest higher education center in the western region and said: Razi University was developed in 1351 with the establishment of Kermanshah Medical School, Sanandaj Teacher Training and Ilam Animal Husbandry School. And continued their activities under the name of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kurdistan University and Ilam University.

Referring to the education of nearly 12,000 students at Razi University, Dr. Veisi added: "More than 30% of these students are studying in graduate school; Also, more than 460 high-level faculty members work at Razi University, and in total the population of 15,000 people at Razi University should play a greater role in the culture of the province, and this requires a change in approach and orientation towards applied research and knowledge use And modern technologies to serve the community.

He said that Iran ranks 15th in science production in the world, adding: "Unfortunately, we do not have a good ranking in the world in indicators such as business, and therefore we need a combination of science and business and wealth creation, and we should all focus our research capabilities on Lead a direction that is effective in the daily lives of our people.

Mr. Fazelizadeh, along with members of the Planning Council, deputies and heads of staffs of the General Directorate of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Kermanshah Province, after visiting the Razi University Development Documentation Center and Kermanshahology Center, had a cordial meeting with Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Alami, President of the University.

The Director General of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Kermanshah Province in this meeting, which was held in the area of ​​the University President, said in a speech: And the community can help the province.

He emphasized the cooperation and interaction of the General Directorate of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Kermanshah province with Razi University as the designated mother university of the province in the implementation of various cultural, religious, social and artistic programs and said: "Our emphasis is that the programs The culture and art of the province should be based on scientific support so that we can see better and more output in the implementation of programs.

Mr. Fazelizadeh called for the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the General Directorate of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Kermanshah Province and Razi University and said: "We hope that this important issue will be operationalized with the tact and positive view of the esteemed president of the province in the field of culture and art."

He reminded: in all cities of Kermanshah province, Islamic culture and guidance offices are located and in some sectors such as Govar, Bayangan and Kuzran, Nosud, Nudsheh, etc., we have a good presence and significant facilities and capacities to implement cultural and artistic programs. We have Razi University in the province.

Mr. Fazelizadeh, while appreciating the holding of this meeting, expressed hope: with the support of Dr. Alam, Mr. Agha, we will take joint steps to promote culture and move towards the development of Kermanshah province.

Referring to the existence of famous artists in Kermanshah province, he added: "We hope that the capacity of prominent artists in various fields, including graphics, music, etc., will be used in the Faculty of Art and Architecture of Razi University."

Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Aalami, Al-Agha, President of Razi University, while welcoming the guests and appreciating the presence of the Director General of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Kermanshah Province and his accompanying delegation at the university, said in a speech: Kermanshah culture.


He added: "The university is the cultural and scientific identity of each region, and more and more interaction with the General Directorate of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Kermanshah province will cause more tension between these two groups."

Referring to the recent meeting of the Provincial Public Culture Council, Dr. Alamia-Agha emphasized: In the knowledge-based society, the university is the center of decision-making, today higher education in Kermanshah province has favorable conditions compared to other provinces and Razi University is one of the top 10 universities in the country. It is considered valid based on citation databases.

He added: "Despite economic and social problems in Kermanshah province, higher education in the province has shone well and Razi University has the highest production of international scientific articles in the west of the country and the development of this university has taken place while serious support and attention in the knowledge-based discussion We have not had some provincial officials, while near Kermanshah province, Bu Ali Sina University has the serious support of provincial officials, and many of its projects have been carried out with the support of the Hamedan governor's office and also have provincial credits.

Dr. Aalami-Agha further pointed to a part of the achievements of Razi University during the last 7 years and added: "During this period, we are witnessing a 10-fold increase in the university's green space and a 45% growth in the university's physical space."

He said that no development program would take place without the participation of academics, adding: "Having a cultural and authentic university in any region has a great contribution in educating children and the flourishing of science and development."

The President of Razi University said: "Although there are many God-given resources in the country, but we face many challenges and economic problems, while if serious attention was paid to the inherent development of universities, we would see less of these problems."

Addressing the Director General of Culture, Guidance and Islam of Kermanshah Province, he said: "We take your will to attend the university as a good omen. People of science and thought are needed.


Referring to the diversity of different disciplines and trends in Razi University, Dr. Alamia said: The Faculty of Art and Architecture was established in Razi University in 2016. One of our issues is to attract faculty in specialized fields of art based on higher education indicators. We are convinced that it has reduced the level of expectation in the field of art in some fields where it is not possible to accept people with a doctorate degree, and that these fields should be used so that the art department of this college can continue its serious activity.

He called for the use of media and press capacities by the General Directorate of Culture, Guidance and Islam of Kermanshah Province to reflect the events of the university and the achievements of this collection and said: I ask all of you dignitaries to reflect to us in any field that requires university entry. Make the university your home.

Dr. Alami-Al-Agha expressed his hope that the necessary platform for introducing as many honors and prominent cultural and artistic personalities of the province as possible would be provided in the Center for Provincial Development Documents and Kermanshah Studies of Razi University in cooperation with the General Directorate of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Kermanshah Province.

He reminded: "Razi University has 500 high-level faculty members, among whom we have prominent international figures, of which more than 150 are associate professors and professors whose media can reflect their scientific output if we to these people." Do not pay attention, they publish the output of their research in prestigious foreign journals and the blessings of this huge capital will not be in the service of the province and the country as it deserves.

Dr. Alamieh Al-Agha emphasized: Today, one of our concerns is the volume of research credits in the country and our share in the province; The Provincial Research and Technology Council has allocated less than one billion tomans last year and this year to support the province's research; Meanwhile, in some universities, there is talk of two thousand billion tomans of research credits in the form of contracts.

He added: "The issue of attracting artistic elites with an art degree is also done according to the regulations of the Ministry of Science, and applicants can participate in the recruitment calls, and if they meet the announced conditions, they will be accepted."

The President of Razi University stated: So far, many calls have been made to attract faculty in the fields of art, but most of the people did not have the conditions and criteria emphasized in the regulations of admission, especially having a specialized doctoral degree.

He stated: Dr. Nastaran Norouzi, a member of the faculty of Razi University, is responsible for launching art courses at Razi University, and we hope to see the dynamism and significant activity of the art department at the university by attracting faculty in the field of art.

In this meeting, it was suggested: The Director General of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Kermanshah Province, in a sympathetic meeting with Dr. Norouzi, in charge of launching art courses at the university, introduced qualified and prominent people in the field of art in the province to call for recruitment. The Ministry of Science should accept people.

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