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Congress to commemorate the martyr of the altar, Ayatollah Ashrafi Esfahani, will be held in Kermanshah on the same day as the National Day of Resistance and Sacrifice

According to the public relations of Razi University, the symposium of the scientific working group "Congress in honor of the martyr of the shrine of Ayatollah Ashrafi Esfahani", May 7, 1400, with the presence of heads of universities and seminaries, representatives of the Supreme Leader's offices in universities, the head of the Imams Policy Council in the province. The head of the office of the representative of the Supreme Leader in the province and the Friday prayer leader of Kermanshah and other members were held in cyberspace.

At the beginning of the meeting, Hojjatoleslam and Muslims, Javad Afshar Najafi, Head of the Representation of the Supreme Leader at Razi University, while welcoming the guests and wishing everyone to accept obedience and worship during the holy month of Ramadan, said: The National Congress of Altar Martyrs, emphasizing the importance And the need to celebrate the personality and services of the precious martyrs of the altar will be held in the summer of this year.

Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Afshar Najafi added: "According to the plans made, in the provinces that have a martyr altar, before holding a national program, a provincial congress will be held to commemorate the martyr of the altar and in Kermanshah province to prepare significant programs to hold a provincial congress to commemorate the martyr Ayatollah al-Isfahani." Are.

Formation of 6 specialized committees for the Congress in honor of the martyr of the altar, Ayatollah Ashrafi Esfahani

He described the Congress in Commemoration of the Altar of Ayatollah Ashrafi Isfahani as consisting of six committees, including: "Scientific", "Cultural-Propaganda", "Support", "Information", "Coordination of Law Enforcement and Security" and "People's" Committees, and added: They are in charge of the Scientific Committee of the Provincial Congress of Universities and the members of this committee consist of the head of the province seminary, the presidents of the state and Islamic Azad universities of the province, the officials of the Supreme Leader's representative body in the province universities, the mobilization professors and the student mobilization.

Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Afshar Najafi regarding the duties of the Scientific Committee of the Congress in Commemoration of the Martyr Altar of Ayatollah Ashrafi Esfahani stated: Measures such as calling articles and appointing judges, inviting speakers, following up and supervising the production of scientific content It is defined in the description of the duties of this committee and Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims are the secretary of the Provincial Congress, Seyyed Mohammad Hussein Zeighamian.

Use the scientific capacity of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities of Razi University to hold the congress

The President of Razi University, Dr. Alamiyya, while appreciating the holding of this meeting and wishing health and acceptance of divine obedience and worship for all in the holy month of Ramadan, said in a speech: Provide Iran to all of us.

He addressed the requirements of holding a congress in honor of the martyr of the altar, Ayatollah Ashrafi Esfahani, on various issues, executive programs; The pursuit of scientific and research axes by universities and seminaries pointed out and added: with regard to this issue; The axis of specialization and expert work should be pursued through the applicant universities and related specialized collections.

Dr. Alamia-Agha called for benefiting from the scientific and research capacity of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities of Razi University in pursuing the specialized axes of Ayatollah Ashrafi Isfahani Shahid Mihrab Provincial Congress and said: Follow the executive.

He reminded: Inviting the Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities of Razi University to this meeting, considering his specialty and the scientific and research capacity of the respected professors of this faculty, will be very fruitful in advancing the goals of the congress and accompanying specialized professors. At the macro level, it will make every effort to help achieve the goals and objectives of Congress in the form of a Strategic Committee.

Dr. Alam-Al-Agha once again emphasized on following the axes and topics of the congress in a professional way and using the power and capacity of expert professors and said: the Faculty of Literature and Humanities and the cultural and social deputy of the university have a significant capacity to follow the specialized axes of the congress Used the capacity of these departments.

Dr. Alireza Shahrestani, Head of the Office of the Representative of the Supreme Leader in the province and the Friday prayer leader of Kermanshah, congratulated the holy month of Ramadan and the arrival of Christmas with the happiness of Imam Hassan Mojtaba (AS), said in a speech: National Congress of Altar Martyrs and following this program; The Provincial Congresses of the Martyrs of the Altar are held on the proposal of the Policy Council of the Friday Imams to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Friday prayers.


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