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With the aim of serving the university and the Silk Garden area;

An emergency base will be set up at Razi University

In the near future, an "emergency medical base" will be set up at Razi University.

According to the public relations of Razi University, a joint meeting of the officials of the Emergency Management Center of the province with the university administrators, on May 10, 1400, in the meeting hall of the presidency, with the aim of examining the requirements and conditions for establishing a "emergency medical base in Razi University" " held.

In this meeting, Dr. Hooman Rafiei Sarvari, Head of the Emergency Management Center of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, called for the signing of a memorandum of understanding for the establishment of a "Medical Emergency Center" at Razi University and said: Razi University is adjacent to Imam Reza Hospital ( A) Having a suitable space for the establishment of the base, facilitates the movement and transfer of patients and injured to the hospital.

He considered the occurrence of traffic accidents in this area and the need to provide free and fast services to the people as the reasons for establishing an emergency base and medical emergencies in the university and said: Emergency medical services for the injured and patients at Razi University and the Silk Garden area will be one of the goals of this base.

Dr. Rafiei Sarvari reminded: The emergency base located in Razi University, according to the standards of all pre-hospital emergency bases, will operate under the command of the 115 Communication and Emergency Operations Coordination Center and is obliged to perform all assigned missions, including the urgency of the university or outside.

He mentioned the provision of educational services to colleagues, nurses and doctors as other goals of establishing this base and said: "One of our other goals is the implementation of the price plan; The cost of a national plan means the general mobilization of basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. In this regard, the necessary training for organizations, departments, secret and Islamic Azad universities of Kermanshah, as well as industrial centers, etc. is on the agenda.

Dr. Rafiei Sarvari considered it necessary to provide emergency-related training skills and preparedness to deal with crisis situations and said: "Iran is a crisis-prone country in terms of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes, and therefore there is a need for training in the medical sector."

Akbar Azadi, the expert in charge of training the Emergency Management Center of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, said that training emergency assistants, organizing training classes in the field of treatment and issuing educational certificates to participants are among the programs of the emergency base and said: Kermanshah is the third After Mazandaran, the province is providing educational and medical services to the citizens, and so far a number of Razi University students have also benefited from our educational services, and God willing, face-to-face training classes will be held again after suffering from coronary heart disease.ایشان افزود: یکی از اهداف ما ارائه خدمات آموزشی رایگان به جامعه هدف مستقر در این منطقه شامل کارشناسان پرستاری، تکنسین‌های اتاق عمل و همچنین دانشجویان در حال تحصیل در این رشته‌ها و... است.

Fereydoun Sadeghi, technical and operational deputy of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, while thanking Razi University for agreeing to build an emergency base in this complex, said: for every 50,000 people, there should be an emergency base, for Kermanshah with more Out of a population of one million, 20 bases are forecast, but we currently have 15 bases.

He announced the duration of sending an ambulance to the scene of the accident as 8 to 10 minutes and said: the distribution of emergency bases in different areas has been done with the aim of speeding up the service time to patients.

Dr. Saeedi, Vice Chancellor of the University, while welcoming the guests and wishing to accept everyone's obedience and worship during the holy month of Ramadan, said in a speech: A memorandum of understanding has been signed between the Student Affairs Organization of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and the country's emergency organization to set up emergency centers in universities.

He said: "There is a clinic in Razi University, but with the launch of the emergency base we can meet more needs and by signing a memorandum, the emergency center can offer more services to the people of the region and the large family of Razi University."

Dr. Saeedi Providing adequate buildings and space to set up a 24-hour pre-hospital emergency base at Razi University, providing the necessary welfare, health and facilities to establish this base in accordance with the standards of the country's emergency organization, providing the necessary arrangements including providing a roofed space for ambulance The expert opinion of the Emergency Management Center of the province and the appropriate location for the establishment of the base with proper access to the exit door are among the obligations of the university in the future memorandum.

He also set up an equipped pre-hospital emergency base in the space provided by Razi University, providing medicine, equipment and personnel of the pre-hospital emergency base in order to provide emergency medical services according to the protocols of the country's emergency organization, providing emergency services and medical emergencies to staff and students. Razi University, according to the instructions of the country's emergency organization, provided educational services related to emergencies to students and staff of Razi University and Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences as one of the obligations of the province's Emergency Management Center.

Dr. Yaser Shahbazi, Director of the University, referring to the need for students and professors of Razi University to have access to 115 emergency services in Taghbestan, Agriculture and Natural Resources campuses, said: It has a convenient location in terms of access to the entrance and exit of vehicles.

He added: "In order to provide better and faster services to the injured and potential patients of Razi University Complex, an emergency base equipped with ambulance, rescue forces and necessary equipment will be set up in this university soon."

Dr. Shahbazi reminded: in addition to providing services to a population of over 15,000 people in the Razi University complex, this base will also provide services to the Silk Garden area.

Dr. Khazaei, the head of the Office for Supervision of Development Plans at Razi University, said: "About 12,000 students are studying at Razi University, of which about 4,000 are dormitory students."

He said that the purpose of concluding this memorandum is to facilitate emergency medical services to students and staff of Razi University, increase the level of access to the university and establish justice in providing emergency medical services according to the standards of the country's emergency organization and transfer patients and injured to the nearest medical center if needed. He mentioned the country's emergency organization and the increase in the number of bases to serve the people.

Dr. Niaparast, Vice Chancellor for Administration, Finance and Resource Development of the university, said that the strategy of Razi University is to communicate with the community and interact with the people and said: "One of the special goals of the university is to launch this service base to the people of Bagh-e-Abrisham." Another goal of the project is to provide free training in emergency and medical emergencies.

He emphasized on concluding a memorandum of understanding between Razi University and Kermanshah Medical Emergency and Accident Management Center in order to implement the set goals and programs and said: the necessary information will be provided to the people of the region to benefit from the services of this base.

At the end of the meeting, after discussion and exchange of views among the officials present, it was decided; During the signing of a joint memorandum of understanding between Razi University and the Emergency Management Center of Kermanshah Province, in the near future, an "emergency medical base will be set up at Razi University."

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