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The memorial service for the late Dr. Ezatullah Farshadfar was held on May 7, 1400.

According to the public relations of Razi University, a memorial service for the late Dr. Ezatullah Farshadfar was held on May 7, 1400.

In this ceremony; After reciting the luminous verses of the words of God Almighty, Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Javad Afshar Najafi; The head of the representative office of the Supreme Leader at Razi University, while honoring the memory and name of the late Dr. Farshadfar, asked God Almighty for forgiveness, mercy and companionship with the saints and the righteous.

Referring to verse 46 of Surah Al-Kahf from the Holy Quran, he said: The Almighty God says in this noble verse: Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world, and the righteous deeds that remain (until the Day of Resurrection) are better in the sight of God in terms of reward and better in terms of hope.

Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Afshar Najafi stated: According to this noble verse; Most people are unaware of the value of good deeds and most of them think of goodness and happiness in collecting worldly possessions. We should know that wealth and children are the adornment of the world and think about the deeds for the Hereafter that have a reward in the Hereafter; For no righteous deed is without reward with God, and the reward of good deeds is lasting.

Emphasizing that we should use our funds for the baggage of the Hereafter, he added: "Training countless students for many years before and after the glorious Islamic Revolution for the late Dr. Farshadfar is a remnant of righteousness and a reward from God Almighty has traveled for him." And we wish you forgiveness.

Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Afshar Najafi reminded: The real life of human beings is in the abode of the Hereafter; Therefore, we should all be forward-thinking and far-sighted and set out for the journey to the Hereafter; Because on the day after the resurrection, we must be accountable for all our actions.

Dr. Ghazi, a member of the faculty of the University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, while offering condolences on the death of the late Professor Dr. Farshadfar, prayed to God Almighty for forgiveness and divine forgiveness for the deceased and patience for her survivors.

Recalling a part of the virtues and high moral values ​​of the late Dr. Farshadfar, he added: "The late professor spent his blessed life in the way of elevating the scientific, religious and cultural levels of this region." He is not only in the province; They were also known throughout the country as scientific and moral figures.

Dr. Ghazi mentioned hard work, perseverance, accuracy and orderliness in affairs, kindness, humility, humility, prudence, frankness in speech and guardianship as the prominent features of the late Dr. Farshadfar and said: The social environment was a source of impact and a good role model for colleagues and students.

Dr. Sajjad Dadfar, a member of the faculty of the university, while offering condolences on the occasion of the death of Dr. Ezatullah Farshadfar and wishing everyone to accept obedience and worship during the holy month of Ramadan, said: Unfortunately, a few days after the death of a young colleague and educated member of the faculty; The late Dr. Yahya Mohammadzadeh It is not long before the large family of Razi University mourned the loss of another of its ethics professors and the news of the death of the wise, religious and committed scientist Dr. Ezatullah Farshadfar mourned the scientific community.

He added: The late Dr. Ezatullah Farshadfar was rightly one of the radiant and enduring stars of science and piety, who rushed to visit the idol in the night full of grace and during the martyrdom of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (AS). Once again, while offering my condolences on the death of the late Farshadfar to the university community of the province, I wish the children of Najib, the honorable brothers and his honorable family a journey for that dear one, forgiveness and divine pleasure, and patience for the survivors of Jamil.

Dr. Jokar, a member of the faculty of the Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah, the living son-in-law of Farshadfar, on behalf of his family The body of the deceased was appreciated.

He expressed a part of the moral virtues of the late Dr. Farshadfar and said: Governorship, adherence to the first time prayer, hard work and humility are the distinguishing features of Dr. Farshad Far and said: He always considered students as his children during teaching. And worked compassionately to train and educate them.

In the end, Dr. Jokar, while offering his condolences on the death of the late Farshadfar to the scientific community, asked God Almighty for forgiveness and mercy for the deceased.

In this ceremony, the message of condolence of Dr. Gholami, Minister of Science, Research and Technology and Dr. Bagheri, Deputy Minister of Science, Research and Technology, were read on the occasion of the death of the late Dr. Farshadfar. We also thanked all the officials and loved ones who sent a message of condolences to Razi University.

It is worth noting; Dr. Ezatollah Farshadfar, Professor of the Department of Production Engineering and Plant Genetics, Member of the Board of Trustees of Razi and Industrial Universities of Kermanshah and former President of Razi University, after a lifetime of scientific endeavor and sincere efforts in the field of science, culture and religion, finally died on 13 May 1400 He surrendered to Jan Afarin.

The late professor spent many years of his tireless efforts for the excellence and scientific and research development of Razi University. He was also the president of Razi University from 2003 to 2007 and became the source of many good and lasting services.

Membership in the Islamic Association of Muslim Students in the United States, Activism in the Victory of the Glorious Islamic Revolution of Iran, Director General of Kermanshah Broadcasting, Head of Public Management Center in the West, President of the Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah, Head of the Teachers' Basij, author of tens of books and hundreds of valuable articles Training a large number of committed and successful students, teaching courses in the sciences of hadith and philosophy of the seminaries of the province, an exemplary professor in the country in the 80s, is a part of the honors of the late Dr. Ezatollah Farshadfar.

May her soul be happy, her memory be cherished and her path be fruitful ...

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