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A memorial service was held for the living memory of Dr. Yahya Mohammadzadeh Godini, a faculty member of the university.

According to the public relations of Razi University, the memorial service for the death of Dr. Yahya Mohammadzadeh Godini, a member of the faculty of the university, was held in cyberspace on the 7th of Ordibehesht, 1400.

In this meeting, after the recitation of verses from the words of God Almighty by the readers, the message of condolence of Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Alamiya Al-Agha, President of Razi University, was read as follows:

in the name of God

we are for God and we return to him

The loss of the scientific face and role model of ethics in the university, Dr. Yahya Mohammadzadeh Godini, a respected member of the faculty of the Department of Art and Architecture, caused a great deal of grief and pain due to coronary heart disease.

The lack of this pious master is not only for family and friends; Rather, it was a pity for all those who were familiar with his valuable scientific personality. Undoubtedly, the resounding of the long steps of this late professor in the path of science and service to the people will last forever in the place of Razi University.

While expressing deep sympathy with Moezzi's family, I offer my condolences to the scientific and student community of the province for the loss of this honorable professor, and I ask God Almighty for the long soul of the deceased, forgiveness and divine mercy, and for all the survivors' health and patience.

Mohammad Ibrahim Alamiya Al-Agha

President of Razi University

Following the ceremony, Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Javad Afshar Najafi, Head of the Representation of the Supreme Leader at Razi University, expressed his condolences to the university community and his precious family on the untimely death of Dr. Mohammadzadeh Godini, and wished patience and reward to the survivors. Unfortunately, the infamous Corona virus has taken away from us dear ones who cannot fill the vacancies of these nobles.

He considered the tragedy of losing a loved one as the highest level of hardship and quoting the holy verses of the Holy Quran, said: In Surah Al-Baqarah, it is stated that God Almighty tests human beings with various causes, one of which is the death of loved ones and He goes on to say: Those who are afflicted with calamity say, "We are for God, and we are the returners." (Al-Baqarah: 156)

Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Afshar Najafi added: According to the Holy Quran, human beings return to God and it is stated in Surah Al-Baqarah; The reward of a person who is patient in the grief and loss of his loved ones is so great in the sight of God Almighty that God Almighty bestows His peace and mercy on him.

Citing religious verses and hadiths, he added: "We must be aware of how sudden and unpredictable death occurs and we will all taste death." In a narration of Imam Ali (AS) it is stated: النَّاسِ نِيَامٌ فَإِذَا مَاتُوا انْتَبَهُوا (People are asleep, they become aware when they die). In another narration, it is stated that ْنَّ الْمَرْءَ ذِذَا هلَكَ قَالَ النَّاسُ مَا تَرَكَ, وَقَالَتِ الْمَلَائِكَةُ مَا قَدَّمَ (When a man dies, he says to himself: What do people say when they die?

Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Afshar Najafi stated: We should all prepare ourselves for death and always be ready for the journey to the Hereafter so that we do not suffer regret and regret; As the Quran says: Nfqva I think we Rzqnakm me before, an extremely large mandate Hdkm Alamut Fyqvl paste hinges Khrtny parts to death about Fasdq reaction I Saaliheen (from what you once did you spend before your death come in. And the person says God, Why You did not allow me to stay for a short time so that I could give alms and be a benefactor).

He once again included condolences on the death of Dr. Yahya Mohammadzadeh Godini and continued: For the happiness of the souls of the dead, do not forget the good intentions of the magazine and "charity" and there is still readiness to leave this world.

Dr. Tahmasb Alipouriani, the head of the cultural and social affairs department of the university, passed away. For the deceased, divine mercy and forgiveness were extensive, and for his survivors, patience was responsible.

He said: "Today, the community of Razi University mourns the ethics and educated professor of the university who spent his life teaching and learning to the children of this land and left valuable scientific achievements as a memory."

Dr. Saeed Moradi, a member of the faculty of the Faculty of Engineering and a lifelong colleague of Dr. Mohammadzadeh, while expressing his deep impact on this tragic event, expressed his condolences on the death of Dr. Yahya Mohammadzadeh Godini to the university, engineering community and his honorable family.

Referring to the high personality and morals of the deceased, he added: "The late Dr. Mohammadzadeh considered the Department of Art and Architecture of Razi University as his home. His magnanimity and humility were very famous in the university and all his colleagues have always praised him."

Dr. Moradi considered Dr. Mohammadzadeh's living scientific, educational and research activity as the pride of the university and added: "I have been proud to meet him since the 80's and they have proved their ability and expertise in various scientific periods and events and are acknowledged by all faculty members." Engineering and students who have studied in his presence; Dr. Mohammadzadeh was truly a master in his field.


Also, Engineer Mohammadzadeh, the dear brother of the late Dr. Yahya Mohammadzadeh Godini, while appreciating the holding of this ceremony, said: From all the dear ones and masters who helped the survivors to endure this tragedy and have sincerely visited them with their comforting and compassionate messages. I thank you and I ask God Almighty for the health and well-being of all my loved ones.

It is worth noting; Dr. Yahya Mohammadzadeh Godini, an educated professor and a member of the faculty of the Department of Art and Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Razi University, passed away on Sunday morning, May 25, 1400, due to coronary heart disease.

Dr. Mohammadzadeh has been working as a faculty member of Razi University Faculty of Engineering since 2009. He spent his sincere efforts and honorable life in the path of excellence, scientific and research development of Razi University and became the source of good and lasting works and good ethics and His noble character will always remain in the minds of colleagues and students.

May his soul be happy, his memory be cherished, and his scientific and moral heritage be lasting.

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